My Mission

My mission is simple - to help business owners with ADHD or busy brains to take action.

I know what feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and stuck is like. It’s frustrating when you want to move forward, when you want to do the thing and make the change, but you can’t. Then you wonder why and end up blaming yourself which leads to an unhealthy downward spiral.
Your brain is wired differently, some days that’s incredibly frustrating and other days it’s incredible. I want to help you figure out YOUR brain as each of us our unique (hence why I love Unicorns!). I work in a holistic manner that takes you, your brain and your business into account so we can figure out a way to move you forward that suits YOU!

My Vision

My vision, probably like most ADHD brains varies daily BUT I do know this:
I would want to live a life with freedom, flexibility and happiness and I want others to experience the same.
I don’t want any person with ADHD to be put in a box and I want people to understand their ADHD and strengths so they can work with it better and create a life that they love and thrive with.

Rachel sat on a step outside, smiling with a red & white top on and flowers behind her

Who am I?

My journey to becoming an ADHD Business Coach stems from my own experiences navigating the challenges of owning a business while managing ADHD and Dyslexia. I've walked in your shoes, and I understand the unique struggles you face. Through my personal journey, I've developed a deep passion for helping others harness their strengths and thrive in their businesses.

I spent over 15 years in events management and over the later part of my corporate career, I started to work more strategically and this helped me realise that I’m a Big Picture Thinker. This combined with the strategies I have learnt through planning allows me to break down complex tasks into actionable steps forward.

In 2023, fueled by a desire to delve deeper into ADHD, I embarked on a journey to become a Certified ADHD Practitioner. This transformative experience allowed me to delve into the intricacies of the ADHD brain, understand the underlying science, and explore effective strategies to navigate everyday life with ADHD.

On a personal note, I love Unicorns and Rainbows (sorry I am one of them!), I am a mummy to my two boys (and sometimes my husband!).
Outside of work, you might find me exploring old houses and gardens with family and friends, taking time to rest and relax my mind - I love a good spa day! I love animals and connecting with others at local events.

The way my brain works is what will help get the best out of you

My Values


I am passionate in my personal life and business and thrive on connecting with passion-led businesses. It's with this enthusiasm that I want to help you & your business succeed. We will then inspire each other to create change and help you get to where you want it to be.


I want to run a flexible business that not only works for my family but also personally for me too. Being dyslexic & having ADHD means my brain works in particular ways and I need to be able to embrace that for myself. I therefore, want to help others create a flexible business so that they can have more time to do the things they love. Whether it be your business, family, caring for others, sports or simply having time to drink a cuppa. I want to help you bring balance in to your life and business.


I love connecting with people and love to be part of a community. Running a business can be a lonely place, we are all human, and finding a connection with other business owners puts a smile on our faces & can make a dark day seem bright again.

I also love connecting the dots, through streamlining processes and finding the right tech options for your business.