no labels, just solutions

Empowering ADHD Business Owners
Coaching, Mentoring and strategic support

Running a business comes with it’s rewards and challenges! It can be trickier when you're navigating the complexities that come with ADHD, Dyslexia, being Neurodivergent, or simply having a busy mind, whether you are diagnosed or not.

As a fellow business owner and ADHDer, I offer tailored coaching, mentoring, and accountability. Together, we'll navigate your neurodivergent journey, help you find strategies that work for you, your life, your business and your future.

Rachel sitting in front of a door in summer smiling

Hello - I'm Rachel!

I’m your Uni-coach 🦄

I’m a Certified ADHD Practitioner and Business Mentor but think of me as your virtual partner, navigating the ups and downs of your life and business alongside you. Why? Because I know what it's like to battle the complexities of a busy mind. I’m ADHD and Dyslexic - I get the million and one ideas, the plans that don’t come to fruition, the procrastination struggles, and those questionable boundaries.

Please don’t think I’ve conquered it all - I haven’t (sorry!) BUT my mission is simple: I don't want neurodivergent business owners to feel rubbish about the challenges that come with it.

I'm here to say - I get it and you are not alone!

I firmly believe that each of us is a unicorn – beautifully unique. And I'm here to guide you on your path towards success, embracing your strengths and quirks.

Together, we’re going to empower you to work through those challenges. We’ll focus on strategies, set boundaries and make your plans come to fruition!

“It was great to look at all the different aspects of my vision, figure out the order and the priorities. I was given clear feedback on what needed to be done and a plan for the future to help reach my vision.”

Helen - The Tummy Whisperer

Rachel smiling holding a mug in an office enviroment

Just imagine for a second...

  • Waking up everyone morning feeling confident and clear on your direction and priorities

  • Being able to make different choices with your time, so you can prioritise yourself

  • Feeling empowered to set and hold boundaries in your life and business

  • Seeing tangible results for your hard work and having regular space to celebrate the action you've taken

  • Having a fun, empathetic, knowledgeable accountability buddy with you every step of the way, so you feel truly seen, heard and understood


Work with me and this could be your reality. Together, we can take the right action so you can see the change you want.

Your business deserves to flourish, and so do you!